Rise and Fall. Voter support for SYRIZA before and after the Referendum of 5 July 2015

Published in the journal Tetradia, issue 66-67, Autumn-Winter 2016-2017
1. January 2015: Historic political reversal
2. The significance of the referendum of 5/7/2015 for SYRIZA’s voter support
3. Social polarization deepens: electoral and social geography of the referendum
4. “Democratic moment”
5. Reversal of the reversal. SYRIZA after the referendum
6. The September election: continuity and discontinuity in SYRIZA’s electoral base
7. After the September 2015 election
8. From “party-politicization” to “de-politicization”. SYRIZA and the party system in the post-democratic age. Is there a future?

From the fragmentation of the Right to the conservative backlash

New Democracy one year after elections

In May 2012, New Democracy’s share of the vote (18.85%) proved to be the lowest ever received by the main party of the Right in Greece. But the crushing of PASOK was no less important than this crisis of the Right. It was clear that the Memorandum had deeply divided the conservative party too, a development of enormous political importance.